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Free Mac Horror Games Download

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The Competition: Free Horror games for Mac and more We prefer to limit our featured games to 10 games, but in reality, there are much more horror games that deserve your attention. To make room for more worthy scary games, we include this list of games that didn't quite make it to the Top 10 but can still be recommended in a heartbeat. Most popular & Highly Searched, Demanded Horror Games for Mac Free Download Highly Compressed only on Adventure Horror Indie RPG The Letter-Horror Visual Novel Mac Game Free Download. Action Horror SciFi DOOM 3 MAC Game Free Download. Action Horror Survival.

Download Ice Scream: Horror Neighborhood on your computer (Windows) or Mac for free. Few details about Ice Scream: Horror Neighborhood:

  • Last update of the app is: 25/02/2020
  • Review number on 14/06/2020 is 174385
  • Average note on 14/06/2020 is 4.2
  • The number of download (on the Play Store) on 14/06/2020 is 10,000,000+

Get ready for a thrilling and shocking adventure of your lives with Ice Scream: Horror Neighborhood.

Children love Ice Cream trucks since it contains a variety of Ice Creams with jingling bells that announce their arrival in the neighborhood. The friendly Ice Cream seller Rob is kind to kids until one day you see him abduct your neighbor named Charlie who also happens to be your good friend.

You saw Rob doing something to Charlie that has somehow gotten him frozen and vulnerable enough to be carried into the van to drive off somewhere. You've beheld this terrifying sight and it makes you uncomfortable with worry that your friend went missing. You wonder about why Rob kidnapped your friend and what if there are more like him? Does Rob have a gruesome evil plan?

You have all these questions but no answers except the fact that you need to find your friend and bring him back. So, you've decided to solve the mystery and all the puzzles to save your friend by choosing to hide inside the truck until you find the location where he's taken the captives.

Horror Games For Free Download

Be careful though, Rob can hear your movements but he can also be deceived while you move to different scenarios within the van. Play in three different modes as per your choice and enjoy this horrific game filled with unfortunate scenarios and heart-throbbing sounds.

Can you rescue your neighbor and friend Charlie in time?

Download Ice Scream: Horror Neighborhood for free on Mac & PC today!Get ready for a thrilling and shocking adventure of your lives with Ice Scream: Horror Neighborhood.

Children love Ice Cream trucks since it contains a variety of Ice Creams with jingling bells that announce their arrival in the neighborhood. The friendly Ice Cream seller Rob is kind to kids until one day you see him abduct your neighbor named Charlie who also happens to be your good friend.

You saw Rob doing something to Charlie that has somehow gotten him frozen and vulnerable enough to be carried into the van to drive off somewhere. You've beheld this terrifying sight and it makes you uncomfortable with worry that your friend went missing. You wonder about why Rob kidnapped your friend and what if there are more like him? Does Rob have a gruesome evil plan?

You have all these questions but no answers except the fact that you need to find your friend and bring him back. So, you've decided to solve the mystery and all the puzzles to save your friend by choosing to hide inside the truck until you find the location where he's taken the captives.

Be careful though, Rob can hear your movements but he can also be deceived while you move to different scenarios within the van. Play in three different modes as per your choice and enjoy this horrific game filled with unfortunate scenarios and heart-throbbing sounds.

Can you rescue your neighbor and friend Charlie in time?

Download Ice Scream: Horror Neighborhood for free on Mac & PC today!

Images of Ice Scream: Horror Neighborhood

Free Mac Horror Games Download

Few Arcade games who can interest you

#1: how to install Ice Scream: Horror Neighborhood for PC (Windows) and for MAC (step by step)

  • Step 1: Download Bluestack (click here to download)
  • Step 2: Install Bluestack on your computer (with Windows) or on your Mac.
  • Step 3: Once installed, launch Bluetsack from your computer.
  • Step 4: Once Bluestack opened, open the Play Store on Bluestack (connect with your Google Account or create a new Google Account).
  • Step 5: Search Ice Scream: Horror Neighborhood in the Play Store.
  • Step 6: Install Ice Scream: Horror Neighborhood and launch the app.
  • Step 7: Enjoy playing Ice Scream: Horror Neighborhood from your computer


List of the OS who are compatible with the game Ice Scream: Horror Neighborhood

Horror Games For Mac Free Download

  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 10
  • macOS Sierra
  • macOS High Sierra
  • OS X 10.11
  • Other mac versions

Official Play Store link:

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